University of Jos Schedules Special Meetings for Governing Council Representative Elections

The University of Jos has announced special meetings of the Congress and Convocation to discuss the consideration of representatives on the University Council.

These meetings will be held on Thursday, July 25, 2024, at the Multipurpose Auditorium, Bauchi Road Campus.

The Congress meeting will begin at 12:00 noon. The agenda for this meeting includes the consideration of Congress representatives on the University Council.

The Congress consists of all university staff holding a degree from any recognized institution and all academic staff.

All eligible members of the university community are invited to attend and participate in these important discussions to ensure their representation on the University Council.

After the Congress meeting, the Convocation meeting will commence at 2:00 PM.

The agenda for this meeting is to consider a Convocation representative on the University Council. The Convocation comprises all individuals holding any valid certificate from the University of Jos.

The University of Jos urges all eligible members to attend and be punctual for these significant meetings.

Thank you.

Abdullahi Abdullah 

Senior Deputy Registrar (Information and Publications) 

University of Jos